Northern Territory Government Logo Northern Territory Brands Register Search

Searching on Brand

The NT uses a three-letter brand system where one letter must be the letter “T”, for Territory. 

Type in the three-letters and click on 'Search'.

The Results will include associated Earmark (if applicable), Distinctive (symbol) Brand/s can not be displayed however if none registered it will state “none”, Property / Run name and Registered Owner/s.

Searching on Owner

Type in the Owners name (or any part thereof e.g. Smi for Smith or Smithfield and click on 'Search'.

The Results will include associated Earmark (if applicable), Distinctive (symbol) Brand/s can not be displayed however if none registered it will state “none”, Property / Run name and Registered Owner/s.

Searching on Property Name

Type in the name of the property (or any part thereof e.g. Sun for Sunnyside) and click on 'Search'.

The Results will include associated Earmark (if applicable), Distinctive (symbol) Brand/s can not be displayed however if none registered it will state “none”, Property / Run name and Registered Owner/s.

Searches are not case-sensitive

Searches return matches on any part of the field.

To clear the search fields, click on 'Reset'.


Wildcards can be used for advanced searching. The allowable wildcards are shown below:

% : matches zero or more characters
_ : matches any single character

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